“All Young Digital Leaders are different. We value authenticity in people; you can be you at YDL. But what connects us as young professionals? We are all entrepreneurial. We want to do things in a different way and do not mind working hard in order to succeed. Of course one can join a large company in an exciting role straight ahead and have a great career. I actually did that myself when joining Unilever. But why I started YDL and believe our Young Digital Leaders are different is because we all want to make a real difference. We want to leave something behind that impacts the future of a company and, therewith, people’s lives. We have the ambition to go further than other people; in our careers and in the achievements we aim for. But we all take employees along that road with us. In order to make a lasting impact instead of going for quick results and leave. As Young Digital Leaders we are all different but this growth mindset is what unites us!”